Wednesday, March 10, 2010

12 Week Appointment

Yay, I am 12 weeks!!! I am feeling very relieved to reach the 12 week mark. Before driving out to Iowa last week, I had my 12 week appointment. Unfortunately Greg had to work but my Mom was happy enough to join me! Dr. Pease said everything looked good- the baby has a strong heartbeat in the 170's (it is expected to be high at this point) and she said the baby was the size of my palm! I was surprised to hear this although I can definitely tell my waist is thickening and my pudge is starting to push out:) I've included a belly shot so you can see how I am progressing. I have been feeling great this past week- no more bouts of nausea or fatigue and I am enjoying running again. Hopefully this feeling will last!

12 Week Belly Shot

1 comment:

  1. such a happy time. We await our third great Grandchild with excitement.

    Love the blog.

