Thursday, June 3, 2010

24 Weeks

Yesterday I met with Dr. Meltzer for my 24 week appointment. Surprisingly I am measuring 25 -26 weeks! I was shocked, especially since I thought I was 1-2 weeks behind schedule. According to the book "What to Expect", this week Anna is the size of an eggplant- approximately 1.7 lbs and 9 in long. Also, my booked stated I should look like I am carrying a soccer ball as well as a kicker inside. I voiced my concerns to the MD about having a much smaller (or lack there of) baby bump and not feeling the baby move very often. Just to reassure me, he has planned a 28 week ultrasound to check measurement as well as my amniotic fluid. It will be a busy appointment next month - at 28 weeks I will also have my glucose test and RhoGam shot (yikes!).

24 Week Belly Shot

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