Thursday, July 1, 2010

28 Week Appointment

This morning I had my 28 week appointment - it was quite a busy one! I started off the morning drinking my glucose drink, to check to see if I have gestational diabetes. I will find out my lab results within the next few days. Then we were off for the ultrasound, I was so excited to see my little girl again! Greg unfortunately had to work but I was so happy to have my Mom join me so she could see her Granddaughter. Anna is measuring right on time, 2 lbs 15 oz - can you belive she is almost 3 lbs!!! She is considered to be in the 56th percentile, I was shocked, I thought she would be much smaller. I guess I need to accept that I am not a week or two behind. Luckily she was very cooperative this morning and we were able to have some pictures in 4D. I have to say the pictures are a bit scary looking in 4D (I know, as a mom-to-be I shouldn't say such a thing!) but it is amazing what technology can do these days. Anna is currently positioned head down and the MD told me not to worry, there is plenty of amniotic fluid. Again, it was an amazing experience to see her and all is well - which is just very reassuring. I ended the appointment with my RhoGam shot since I am RH negative blood type, ouch!

Our little girl

smooshed face

A Little Smile

Everything seems to be coming together. The nursery furniture was delivered today and sitting in the front room awaiting for Greg to assemble. Hopefully I'll have updated nursery pics to post soon!


  1. Thanks for update1 It is slmost unbelievable seeing the ultrasound. It is such an exciting time for you and Greg and all of your friends. I know you are enjoying getting ready for our little girl. Am excited to see y'all soon.



  2. Amy!!!!! What great pics! She has such a sweet little face! As much as seeing that little face in pictures makes your heart melt, once you kiss those cheeks, your heart is just mush!!!!!
