Wednesday, July 14, 2010

30 Weeks

I have been so fortunate with this pregnancy so far, feeling great that it is frustrating to have a hiccup in my third trimester. This past week I've had a few incidences of feeling faint-like symptoms (sweaty, nauseas, dizzy, shaky) that it has really thrown me for a loop. Luckily, I got in to see the MD today who reassured me that these symptoms are a combination of a drop in blood sugar, being anemic and of course, the baby is taking up a lot of my energy since she is growing. So hopefully with taking more breaks throughout my day, eating small frequent meals and taking iron supplements I will hopefully wain off these bad feelings. To top it off, I also learned that I failed my glucose test:( My numbers were borderline but this means that I need to take a much longer, 3 hour fasting glucose test. My MD did reassure me that there are quite a few false positives and she didn't think I had gestational diabetes - it is just my body is not used to processing so much sugar. So she sent me home with homework to 'train' my body by consuming candy bars or jelly beans the next few days before coming back for my longer test - I don't think this will be a problem:) On a good note, I ended the appointment with hearing Anna's sweet heartbeat in the 140's and she is measuring right on track at 30 weeks:)

Thanks to my Aunt Julie for taking a candid shot, here is my 30 week baby bump

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