Thursday, September 16, 2010

39 Week Update

Today I had my 39 week check-up with Dr. Pease. Luckily, I am progressing - my cervix is currently 2 cm dilated and still thinned:) Experiencing quite a few Braxton Hicks ('practice contractions') though no other signs that I will be going into labor anytime soon. I will follow up with Dr. Pease next Wednesday for a non-stress test to make sure the baby is okay. It is then we will discuss options to induce with the latest date being September 27th. I am hoping to go into labor on my own because I am afraid inducing will lead to a higher risk of having a C-section. I am actually fairly comfortable other than swelling in my face, hands and feet (very achy joints!) so I am okay with waiting it out. Bottom line- we want to do what is best for baby Anna.

Included a 39 week BARE belly bump shot:

Greg & I have still been keeping an active social calendar- helps to take my mind off my anxiety of wondering when labor is going to happen.

Last Thursday night, we celebrated Alina, who will be getting married this October, with girls dinner at Naked Chopstix.

Jackie, Alina, Me, Molly and Cassandra

We've also been lucky to have lots of family time:

Mom & Dad joined us for a fun dinner last night

Dad, Mom & Ali

Beautiful Grace

Greg teaching Grace the piano:)

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Amy! I will say some prayers that you go in to labor on your own...sometime soon! I am scheduled for a c-section on 9/28 as Ms. Erin is breech and has not moved in weeks. We shall see! I have some non stress tests scheudled as well to make sure she is A-OK, so we are in the same boat there. I forget where you are delivering, but maybe we will be there together!
